Hello, I'm a web developer from Budapest, crafting digital masterpieces every day. Coffee is always in my hand...


As a software developer who transitioned from architecture, I blend my creativity and passion for technology while creating in the heart of Budapest. I feel at home in the realms of graphic design and frontend development, while continuous learning and a liberal mindset assist me in ongoing growth and tackling new challenges.



I'm currently focused on learning and experimenting with small code snippets every day, eagerly preparing for larger projects where I can dive into new technologies.


Color Shift Project

ColorShift is a project that allows dynamically changing the color of a webpage by selecting from a color palette and provide interactivity.


Project 02


Project 03


As an architectural engineer, I joined ArchiCAD, where I had the opportunity to work on a world-renowned architectural drawing program alongside many talented colleagues. I appreciate the blend of architecture and technology realized in programming. My management skills have helped me explore various positions.

Than Ive met the front-end area.

Carrier Transition

Architecture and software development share many similarities. Both fields require creativity and analytical thinking. Visual appearance and aesthetics, as well as user experience design, are important in both architecture and frontend development.

The love for technology is essential in both areas, as both architecture and web development are highly technical fields where innovation and the application of new technologies are crucial.

Additionally, a liberal mindset is equally important in both fields, as both architecture and software development are constantly evolving, and supporting freedom, creativity, and new ideas is essential for success in both areas.

Get in Touch.